Results of the Project

Training courses

  • 15 COI training courses have been provided for approximately 160 COI users from governmental and non-governmental organisations.
  • The community space "COI Training" on has been established as a platform to organise training courses and exchange information among COI trainers.
Aspired sustainability (project agreement):
COI training is incorporated into refugee law training curricula in different European countries.

Training Course for COI Trainers – European COI Trainer Pool

  • 14 COI focal points from governmental and non-governmental units have participated in the Training Course for COI Trainers.
  • The subsequent European COI Trainer Pool, which serves as a link between COI trainers and organisations/individuals interested in COI training and as a platform of exchange for COI trainers, currently consists of 10 trainers from NGOs, UNHCR and national authorities from 8 European countries.
Aspired sustainability (project agreement):
At least 6 COI focal points from different European countries are ready and able to provide high quality COI training courses in 6 languages and make up the first group of a COI trainer pool.

COI Master Class

  • More than 50 participants from 22 European countries, UNHCR and Canada have taken part in the COI Master Class pilot project.
  • By the end of the project, a report on the COI Master Class pilot has been published on
Aspired sustainability (project agreement):
A detailed and evaluated concept of a form of continuous learning for COI professionals will be available.

COI Seminar

  • Approximately 70 actors involved in refugee status determination have participated in the COI Seminar, which provided country presentations on by UNHCR and country experts on Afghanistan and Iraq.
  • A report on the COI Seminar has been published on and

Good Practice

  • By the end of the project, a study presenting and analysing leading EU jurisprudence and good practices related to COI quality standards has been distributed to all partners of this project, ECRE members, asylum authorities in EU member states, the European Commission and other institutions.
  • The study has been published on
Aspired sustainability (project agreement):
The final report on "Good practice" will enhance the advocacy capacities of ECRE and European NGOs in relation with quality standards applicable to refugee status determination and COI in particular. It will furthermore constitute a helpful tool to contribute to EU Member States' efforts to establish a single asylum procedure and common standards in refugee status determination in the Union and will thus be in the spirit of enhanced practical cooperation measures as defined in the "Hague Programme".

last update 7 January 2008

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